
Diabetes and technology, a summary from Abu Dhabi

Last week, our founders were at the biennial International Diabetes Federation Congress in Abu Dhabi, finding out more about the trends of the sector and the current situation of technology applied to diabetes: sensors, apps and the digital pancreas. Discussions were held on technological advances and above all, on their ability to respond to the […]

Meeting our Team: Esteve Maruri

Meeting our Team: Esteve Maruri SocialDiabetes is a young and growing company. We value our talents and the team that we have been able to put together in just 4 months. To show how proud we are of everyone working with us, we kick off this section of our blog introducing each team member, passionate […]

World Diabetes Day

November is the diabetes awareness month, and November 14th is the World Diabetes Day, in honor of Frederick Grant Banting, a Nobel laureate noted as the co-discoverer of insulin. This date is the perfect occasion to call attention to the enormous social and economic impact of diabetes on a global scale. In SocialDiabetes we want […]

Discover Our Latest Android Updates

This summer has been a busy one for the SocialDiabetes team. We’ve been working hard and non-stop to, among other things, get out a new Android version of our app. We’ve redesigned the interface and reorganized the information so that it’s even more useful for our users. Below is a summary of what we’ve been […]

Real Stories – Toni Ruiz, Barcelona

We interviewed Toni Ruiz, a SocialDiabetes user, to learn more about how incorporating the app in his day-to-day life benefited his life. Toni has had Type 1 diabetes since 1992 and was first diagnosed at age 10 (he even spent his birthday in the hospital that year!). Toni, could you tell us in one sentence […]

Pilot project with Sant Joan de Déu Hospital

Sant Joan de Déu Hospital is a university hospital specialized in pediatrics, gynecology and obstetrics and is one of the most important mother-infant centres in Europe. It has a leading Centre for Innovation in Childhood Diabetes, whereby diabetes is researched and treated using a three-pronged approach: research, excellent pediatric care and raising awareness. The relationship […]

How Everything Began

As is often the case, the beginnings were ‘accidental’ and triggered by a very personal reason, in this case me and my diabetes. I didn’t just decide suddenly one day to quit my job and set up a company. It was a gradual process whereby an initial idea kept evolving into what we are today, […]

The Scottish government has chosen SocialDiabetes

SocialDiabetes has been chosen by the Scottish government to implement an educational platform for those with type 1 diabetes, in collaboration with the University of Oxford and Nottingham Trent University. The project originally came about after SocialDiabetes won the “Personalized diabetes education and care – a systemic approach” competition of the Small Business Research Initiative […]

A New Chapter for SocialDiabetes

Those that are already familiar with SocialDiabetes and have followed our journey will know that we have been around for a few years now, with our fair share of ups and downs, though always moving forwards and developing as a company. In recent months we have undergone some big changes and we are now on […]