Discover Our Latest Android Updates


This summer has been a busy one for the SocialDiabetes team. We’ve been working hard and non-stop to, among other things, get out a new Android version of our app.

We’ve redesigned the interface and reorganized the information so that it’s even more useful for our users.

Below is a summary of what we’ve been up to that will be coming out in the next 2 weeks:


New Menu

We’ve simplified the menu options in order to make it easier for you to understand where each option is and what they are for.

The biggest change is that the bolus calculator will now have its own place on the menu. This will make it easier for both the initial setup as well as the initial setup process so our users can use SocialDiabetes as they see fit.

Profile and Settings

From now on, this menu tab will have 3 clearly defined sections. Filling out and editing information will now be easy and straightforward:

  • Profile
  • Your Diabetes
  • Settings

It’s very important that as a SocialDiabetes user you have all of the information properly configured and up-to-date at all times. The more data we have, the better the recommendations we can give you!

Home Screen

Another update is the redesign of the home screen. We’ve reorganized it so you can see all the relevant information in one place:

The 3 main actions that can be taken are:

  • My Reports
    • Access to your entire SocialDiabetes digital history
  • Graphs
    • View the information you need easily and instantly
  • New Log
    • The option you’ll probably use most inside the app, where you can input your blood glucose levels and carbohydrate amounts and get bolus recommendations consistently before each meal.

New Log

The new log has had a complete design makeover, especially with two major updates: the menu options and the “similar logs” will be integrated on the main screen.

What’s our reasoning behind this? Most of our users have asked us to highlight access to these two features, especially the “similar logs”, since they found the information useful but hard to find. Your wish is our command!


Last but not least, we’ve added a short onboarding process for new users who download our app. That way, they don’t have to worry about inputting all their information later and they’ll also gain a better understanding of SocialDiabetes from the outset.

We’re very excited with these upcoming changes and features, which we’ll be rolling out in the upcoming weeks.


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